BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS (Version 6.3.00)

Version Support Status : FULL SUPPORT
Full Support End Date : 03-Jul-2025
End Of Support Date : 21-Jan-2026

View the PAC (Product Availability and Compatibility) matrix for the English user interface of version 6.3.00
Customer Advisories
Date Tracking Numbers Description Available Formats
29-Feb-2024 (ID 328086) Common REST API: Applying PTF BP00547 causes the CMF Integration server to stop working HTM
22-Feb-2024 UPDATED (ID 327148) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTF BQY3379 or BQY3378 might cause a S0C4 abend HTM
15-Nov-2022 UPDATED (ID 276322) BMC AMI Ops Insight and UI: Applying PTF BPA2023 causes an error in BMC AMI Ops Insight and BMC AMI Ops User Interface HTM
12-Oct-2022 UPDATED (ID 258301) Flash: A security vulnerability was discovered in the Spring framework HTM
15-Sep-2022 UPDATED (ID 272597) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTF BQY3162 might cause a S0C4 abend and failure to start Alarm Management in the CAS HTM
24-Aug-2022 UPDATED (ID 264455) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: An S0C4 or S0C1 abend might occur in the MVE Host Server HTM
22-Aug-2022 (ID 271820) BMC AMI Ops UI and CRA: Installing IBM fix pack 11 for Java 8.0.7 might cause BMC AMI Ops user interface and CRA to abend HTM
11-Jul-2022 UPDATED (ID 265081) Common REST API: The CRA application on the IBM WebSphere Liberty server does not start as expected HTM
08-Apr-2022 UPDATED (ID 258115) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for CMF and BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: Applying PTF BQY2856 might cause a CPU loop HTM
07-Feb-2022 UPDATED (ID 1548) Flash: The BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure Host Server component might malfunction and cause failures when logging in to the CRA or the BMC AMI Ops UI HTM
23-Dec-2021 UPDATED (ID 1505) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for CMF and BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: A private fixed-storage overlay might cause unpredictable results, including abends and dumps HTM
22-Dec-2021 UPDATED (ID1518) BMC AMI Ops products: Log4Shell security vulnerability affects a subset of BMC AMI Ops products and components HTM
08-Oct-2021 UPDATED (ID 1342) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: An unusual error causes the BsamFile to enter a retry loop that might cause messages to flood the SYSLOG and exhaust the address space storage PDF
01-Oct-2021 (ID 1441) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTF BQY2869 might cause a storage leak and failure of every PAS containing history dataset HTM
29-Jun-2021 (ID 1322) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: The MVE Host Server might exceed its connection limits and require a restart PDF
15-Apr-2021 UPDATED (ID 1202) NGL: Unpredictable results might occur in the Next Generation Logger component PDF
12-Feb-2021 (ID 1153) CRA: When installing the Common REST API the root directory is overwritten PDF
Technical Bulletin
22-Jan-2025 UPDATED (ID 372665) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Activating PTF BP00526 using an RTCS REFRESH,KERNEL command causes subsequent incoming security environment authentication inheritance requests to fail HTM
06-Jan-2025 (ID 377743) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: January 2025 enhancements to version 2.5.00 HTM
02-Jan-2025 (ID 378615) Maintenance: RSL2501 is available HTM
08-Oct-2024 (ID 367435) Common REST API: SPE2410 enhancements to version 2.1 HTM
01-Jul-2024 (ID 342930) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2407 enhancement to version 7.1 HTM
01-Jul-2024 (ID 345386) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: SPE2407 enhancements to version 2.5.00 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface HTM
01-Jul-2024 (ID 357021) Maintenance: RSL2407 is available HTM
01-Jul-2024 (ID 357065) Common REST API: SPE2407 enhancement to version 2.1 HTM
14-Jun-2024 (ID 346031) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Changes to the configuration and customization process for BMC AMI Ops products HTM
12-Jun-2024 UPDATED (ID 358036) Technical bulletin: Scheduled outage of,, and associated services for system maintenance HTM
21-May-2024 (ID 356504) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTF BQY3395 might cause S0C4 abends HTM
06-Mar-2024 UPDATED (ID 323962) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Change to the MainView Explorer launch method HTM
03-Jan-2024 (ID 320128) SPE2401 enhancement to version 2.1 of Common REST API is available HTM
03-Jan-2024 (ID 322762) SPE2401 enhancements to version 7.1 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available HTM
16-Oct-2023 UPDATED (ID 314049) SPE2310 enhancements to version 7.1 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available HTM
03-Oct-2023 (ID 308320) SPE2310 enhancement to version 2.1 of Common REST API is available HTM
03-Oct-2023 (ID 308321) SPE2310 enhancements to version 2.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface are available HTM
26-Jul-2023 (ID 308926) All BMC AMI products: Clarifying confusion between BMC Software's AMI mainframe portfolio and AMI MegaRAC BMC products HTM
13-Jul-2023 (ID 306661) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: BMC AMI Ops User Interface dashboard sometimes doesn't display data for some products HTM
06-Jul-2023 (ID 298972) SPE2307 enhancements to version 7.1 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available HTM
06-Jul-2023 (ID 301878) SPE2307 enhancements to version 2.1 of Common REST API are available HTM
03-Jul-2023 (ID 302060) Maintenance: RSL2307 is available HTM
15-Jun-2023 (ID 304017) Installation System: A new password to access the ESD file servers takes effect on July 6, 2023 HTM
08-May-2023 (ID 298984) Technical bulletin: New EV SSL certificates for FTPS services take effect on May 27, 2023 HTM
20-Apr-2023 (ID 296716) Technical bulletin: Scheduled outage for and changes to file server HTM
12-Apr-2023 UPDATED (ID 279045) Common REST API: Version 2.1.00 of Common REST API now supports 64-bit Java HTM
11-Apr-2023 (ID 292595) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: SPE2304 enhancements to version 2.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface are available HTM
03-Apr-2023 (ID 291446) Maintenance: RSL2304 is available HTM
03-Apr-2023 (ID 293068) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2304 enhancements to version 7.1 are available HTM
03-Apr-2023 (ID 293070) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2304 enhancement to version 7.0 is available HTM
03-Apr-2023 (ID 295383) SPE2304 enhancements to version 6.3.00 of the BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS and for CMF products are available HTM
31-Mar-2023 (ID 295335) Technical bulletin: Scheduled outage for and SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER services and changes to file server HTM
29-Mar-2023 (ID 294714) ALL BMC Mainframe customers: Our SFT service will no longer support the TLS 1.1 and 1.0 protocols beginning on April 19, 2023 HTM
05-Jan-2023 (ID 280158) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2301 enhancements to version 7.1 are available HTM
05-Jan-2023 (ID 282049) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: SPE2301 enhancements to version 2.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface are available HTM
03-Jan-2023 ID (282379) Technical Bulletin: Updates to CRA and other enhancements are available HTM
02-Jan-2023 (ID 281951) Maintenance: RSL2301 is available HTM
08-Dec-2022 (ID 283121) Installation System: Reminder of upcoming changes to the eFix PTF distribution services for BMC AMI products HTM
08-Nov-2022 UPDATED (ID 279039) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: Version 2.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops UI now supports 64-bit Java HTM
03-Oct-2022 (ID 272071) Maintenance: RSL2210 is available HTM
03-Oct-2022 (ID 272747) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2210 enhancement to version 7.1 is available HTM
03-Oct-2022 (ID 272860) BMC AMI Ops User Interface: SPE2210 enhancements to version 2.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface are available HTM
03-Oct-2022 (ID 272861) SPE2210 enhancements to version 2.1 of Common REST API are available HTM
18-Aug-2022 (ID 270072) Installation System: We are announcing the end of support for eFix PTF Distribution Services HTM
14-Jul-2022 UPDATED (ID 265762) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTFs BQY3012 and BQY3013 might cause new errors HTM
07-Jul-2022 (ID 265653) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: SPE2207 enhancements to version 6.3.00 of are available HTM
01-Jul-2022 (ID 262813) Maintenance: RSL2207 is available HTM
16-Jun-2022 (ID 264371) Installation System: New password for the ESD FTP sites takes effect at 00:00 UTC on July 1, 2022 HTM
11-May-2022 (ID 261440) New EV SSL certificate for FTPS services takes effect on May 21, 2022 HTM
04-Apr-2022 (ID 255687) Next Generation Logger: SPE2204 enhancement to version 10.4.00 of the NGL component HTM
01-Apr-2022 (ID 253278) Maintenance: RSL2204 is available HTM
28-Mar-2022 (ID 1557) Technical bulletin: SPE2204 enhancement to version 2.0 of BMC Common REST API is available HTM
06-Jan-2022 (ID 1472) Technical bulletin: SPE2201 enhancements to version 2.0 of the BMC Common REST API are available HTM
06-Jan-2022 (ID 1511) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2201 enhancements to version 7.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available HTM
06-Jan-2022 (ID 1532) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: SPE2201 enhancements to version 6.3.00 are available HTM
04-Jan-2022 (ID 1466) Maintenance: RSL2201 and RSL2201C are available HTM
13-Oct-2021 (ID 1446) Maintenance: Reminder of upcoming changes to the maintenance delivery services for BMC AMI products HTM
01-Oct-2021 (ID 1358) Maintenance: RSL2110 is available HTM
01-Oct-2021 (ID 1420) Technical bulletin: SPE2110 enhancements to version 2.0 of the BMC Common REST API are available HTM
01-Oct-2021 (ID 1435) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: SPE2110 enhancements to version 6.3.00 are available HTM
01-Oct-2021 UPDATED (ID 1344) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Applying PTF BQY2869 results in a storage leak that might cause S878 abend PDF
01-Oct-2021 UPDATED (ID 1421) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2110 enhancements to version 7.0.00 are available HTM
30-Sep-2021 (ID 1401) All BMC Mainframe customers: Day-one support is now available for IBM z/OS V2.5 HTM
09-Aug-2021 (ID 1355) Technical bulletin: Product Alert emails will soon link to a notice webpage instead of to a PDF PDF
30-Jul-2021 (ID 1341) Installation and maintenance: We are discontinuing production of the cumulative RSL maintenance by December 31, 2021 PDF
01-Jul-2021 (ID 1247) Maintenance: RSL2107 and RSL2107C are available PDF
01-Jul-2021 (ID 1264) Technical bulletin: SPE2107 enhancements to version 2.0 of BMC Common REST API are available PDF
01-Jul-2021 (ID 1305) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: July 2021 enhancements for version 7.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available PDF
07-Jun-2021 (ID 1278) Installation and maintenance: New password for the ESD FTP sites takes effect at 00:00 UTC on July 1, 2021 PDF
04-Jun-2021 (ID 1256) Maintenance: We are announcing the end of support for eFix PTF Distribution Services (eFix) on December 31, 2021 PDF
29-Apr-2021 (ID 1240) New EV SSL certificate for FTPS services takes effect at 00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on May 22, 2021 PDF
01-Apr-2021 (ID 1134) BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: SPE2104 enhancements to version 7.0.00 of BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure are available PDF
01-Apr-2021 (ID 1136) BMC Common REST API: SPE2104 enhancements to version 2.0 of BMC Common REST API are available PDF
01-Apr-2021 (ID 1145) Maintenance: RSL2104 is available PDF
01-Apr-2021 (ID 1204) BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: New views display structure user information and utilization metrics, and the PWSWOBJ0 and PWSWRT00 warning messages now differentiate between class types PDF
03-Mar-2021 (ID 1172) All BMC mainframe customers: New SHA-2 Global Root Certificate to access PDF
25-Jan-2021 (ID 1023) All BMC Mainframe customers: BMC is announcing the transformation of the BMC Mainframe product lines to BMC AMI PDF
Release Notes
07-Jan-2025 Installation System: Version 4.08.00 HTM
14-Jun-2024 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.07.00 HTM
03-Apr-2024 BMC AMI Ops User Interface: Announces changes and new features in version 2.5.00 HTM
03-Apr-2024 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.06.00 HTM
21-Nov-2023 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.05.00 HTM
03-Oct-2023 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.04.00 HTM
06-Jul-2023 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.03.00 HTM
11-Apr-2023 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.02.00 HTM
09-Feb-2023 UPDATED Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.01.00 HTM
17-Jun-2022 BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Announces changes and new features in version 7.1.00 HTM
17-Jun-2022 BMC AMI Ops Monitoring: Announces changes and new features in version 7.1.00 HTM
17-Jun-2022 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 4.00.00 HTM
31-May-2022 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 3.18.00 HTM
04-Apr-2022 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 3.17.00 HTM
04-Apr-2022 Release notes: Version 2.0 of BMC AMI Ops User Interface HTM
01-Apr-2021 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 3.16.00 PDF
21-Jan-2021 BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure: Announces changes and new features in version 7.0.00 PDF
21-Jan-2021 BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS: Announces changes and new features in version 6.3.00 PDF
21-Jan-2021 BMC AMI Ops Monitoring: Announces changes in version 7.0.00 PDF
21-Jan-2021 Installation System: Announces changes and new features in version 3.15.00 PDF
Online Technical Documentation
04-Oct-2023 Online documentation for version 7.1 of the BMC AMI Ops Infrastructure product HTM
05-Dec-2022 Online documentation for version 6.3 of the BMC AMI Ops Monitor for z/OS product HTM
04-Jul-2024 Online documentation for the current version of the Installation System HTM